JavaScript Tooling

WebAssembly was originally developed as a technology for running non-JavaScript workloads in the browser at near-native speed.

JavaScript WebAssembly component model support is provided primarily by jco, a command line tool which provides tooling for building WebAssembly components.

Typescript can also be used, given that it is transpiled to JS first by relevant tooling (tsc). jco generates type declaration files (.d.ts) by default, and also has a jco types subcommand which generates typings that can be used with a Typescript codebase.


While popular projects like emscripten also build WebAssembly modules, those modules are not Component Model aware.

Core WebAssembly modules do not contain the advanced features (rich types, structured language interoperation, composition) that the component model makes available.

Installing jco

Installing jco (and its required peer dependency componentize-js) can be done via NodeJS project tooling:

npm install -g @bytecodealliance/componentize-js @bytecodealliance/jco


jco and componentize-js can be installed in a project-local manner with npm install -D

ComponentizeJS provides tooling used by jco to transpile JS to Wasm, so installing both packages is required.

Overview of Building a Component with JavaScript

Building a WebAssembly component with JavaScript often consists of:

  1. Determining which interface our functionality will target (i.e. a WebAssembly Interface Types ("WIT") world)
  2. Writing JavaScript that satisfies the interface
  3. Packaging our project JavaScript as WebAssembly (whether for use in WebAssembly runtimes, other JS projects, or the browser)

WebAssembly Interface Types ("WIT") is a featureful Interface Definition Language ("IDL") for defining functionality, but most of the time, you shouldn't need to write WIT from scratch. Often, it's sufficient to download a pre-existing interface that defines what your component should do.

The example world exports a single add function that sums two numbers:

package example:component;

world example {
    export add: func(x: s32, y: s32) -> s32;


exporting the add function means that environments that interact with the resulting WebAssembly component will be able to call the add function.

To learn more about the WIT syntax, check out the WIT explainer

Implementing a JS WebAssembly Component

To implement the example world, we must write a JavaScript module that implements the exported add function:

export const add = (x, y) => {
  return x + y;


When building your JavaScript project, ensure to set the "type":"module" option in package.json, as jco works exclusively with JavaScript modules.

In the code above, the example world is analogous to the JavaScript module itself, with the exported add function mirroring add function exported in the WIT.

With the WIT and JavaScript in place, we can use jco to create a WebAssembly component from the JS module, using jco componentize.

Our component is so simple (reminiscent of Core WebAssembly, which deals primarily in numeric values) that we're actually not using any of the WebAssembly System Interface -- this means that we can --disable it when we invoke jco componentize

jco componentize \
    path/to/add.js \
    --wit path/to/add.wit \
    --world-name example \
    --out add.wasm \
    --disable all


If you're using jco as a project-local dependency, you can run npx jco

You should see output like the following:

OK Successfully written add.wasm.

Running the Component in the example-host

To run the component we've built, we can use the example-host project:

cd component-model/examples/example-host
cargo run --release -- 1 2 ../path/to/add.wasm
1 + 2 = 3


The example-host Rust project uses the Rust toolchain, in particular cargo, so to run the code in this section you may need to install some more dependencies.

While the output isn't exciting, the code contained in example-host does a lot to make it happen:

  • Loads the WebAssembly binary at the provided path (in the command above, ../path/to/add.wasm)
  • Calls the exported add function with arguments
  • Prints the result

The important Rust code looks like this:

fn main() {
let component = Component::from_file(&engine, path).context("Component file not found")?;

let (instance, _) = Example::instantiate_async(&mut store, &component, &linker)
    .context("Failed to instantiate the example world")?;

    .call_add(&mut store, x, y)
    .context("Failed to call add function")

A quick reminder on the power and new capabilities afforded by WebAssembly -- we've written, loaded, instantiated and executed JavaScript from Rust with a strict interface, without the need for FFI, subprocesses or a network call.

Running a Component from JavaScript Applications (including the Browser)

JavaScript runtimes available in browsers cannot yet execute WebAssembly components, so WebAssembly components (JavaScript or otherwise) must be "transpiled" into a JavaScript wrapper and one or more WebAssembly core modules which can be run by in-browser WebAssembly runtimes.

Given an existing WebAssembly component (e.g. add.wasm which implements the example world), we can "transpile" the component into runnable JavaScript by using jco tranpsile:

jco transpile add.wasm -o dist

You should see output similar to the following:

  Transpiled JS Component Files:

 - dist/add.core.wasm                   10.1 MiB
 - dist/add.d.ts                         0.1 KiB
 - dist/add.js                          1.57 KiB


To follow along, see the jco example add component.

With the project pulled locally, you also run npm run transpile which outputs to dist/transpiled

Thanks to jco transpilation, you can import the resulting dist/add.js file and run it from any JavaScript application using a runtime that supports the core WebAssembly specification as implemented for JavaScript.

To use this component from NodeJS, you can write code like the following:

import { add } from "./dist/add.js";

console.log("1 + 2 = " + add(1, 2));

You can execute the JavaScript module with node directly:

node run.js

You should see output like the following:

1 + 2 = 3

This is directly comparable to the Rust host code mentioned in the previous section. Here, we are able to use NodeJS as a host for running WebAssembly, thanks to jco's ability to transpile components.

With jco transpile any WebAssembly binary (compiled from any language) can be run in JavaScript natively.

Building Reactor Components with jco

Reactor components are WebAssembly components that are long running and meant to be called repeatedly over time. They're analogous to libraries of functionality rather than an executable (a "command" component).

Components expose their interfaces via WebAssembly Interface Types, hand-in-hand with the Component Model which enables components to use higher level types interchangably.

Exporting WIT Interfaces with jco

Packaging reusable functionality into WebAssembly components isn't useful if we have no way to expose that functionality. This section offers a slightly deeper dive into the usage of WIT in WebAssembly components that can use the Component Model.

As in the previous example, exporting WIT interfaces for other components (or a WebAssembly host) to use is fundamental to developing WebAssembly programs.

Let's examine a jco example project called string-reverse that exposes functionality for reversing a string.

To build a project like string-reverse from the ground up, first we'd start with a WIT like the following:

package example:string-reverse@0.1.0

@since(version = 0.1.0)
interface reverse {
    reverse-string: func(s: string) -> string;

world string-reverse {
    export reverse;

As a slightly deeper crash course on WIT, here's what the above code describes:

  • We've defined a namespace called example
  • We've defined a package called string-reverse inside the example namespace
  • This WIT file corresponds to version 0.1.0 of example:string-reverse package
  • We've defined an interface called reverse which contains one function called reverse-string
  • We specify that the reverse interface has existed since the 0.1.0 version
  • The reverse-string function (AKA. example:reverse-string/reverse.reverse-string) takes a string and returns a string
  • We've defined a world called string-reverse which exports the functionality provided by the reverse interface


How do we know that reverse actually reverses a string?

Unfortunately, that problem is not really solvable at this level -- this is between you and the writer of the component that implements the WIT interface.

Of course, with WebAssembly, you can enforce static checks if you're so inclined, before you run any given binary.

OK now let's see what the JS code looks like to implement the component world:

 * This module is the JS implementation of the `string-reverse` WIT world

 * This JavaScript will be interpreted by `jco` and turned into a
 * WebAssembly binary with a single export (this `reverse` function).
function reverseString(s) {
  return s.reverse();

 * The JavaScript export below represents the export of the `reverse` interface,
 * which which contains `reverse-string` as it's primary exported function.
export const reverse = {


To view the full code listing along with instructions, see the examples/tutorials/jco/string-reverse folder

To use jco to compile this component, you can run the following from the string-reverse folder:

npx jco componentize \
    string-reverse.mjs \
    --wit wit/component.wit \
    --world-name component \
    --out string-reverse.wasm \
    --disable all


Like the previous example, we're not using any of the advanced WebAssembly System Interface features, so we --disable all of them

Rather than typing out the jco componentize command manually, you can also run the build command with npm run build from the string-reverse folder.

You should see output like the following:

OK Successfully written string-reverse.wasm.

Now that we have a WebAssembly binary, we can also use jco to run it in a native JavaScript context by transpiling the WebAsssembly binary (which could have come from anywhere!) to a JavaScript module.

npx jco transpile string-reverse.wasm -o dist/transpiled

You should see the following output:

  Transpiled JS Component Files:

 - dist/transpiled/interfaces/example-string-reverse-reverse.d.ts   0.1 KiB
 - dist/transpiled/string-reverse.core.wasm                        10.1 MiB
 - dist/transpiled/string-reverse.d.ts                             0.15 KiB
 - dist/transpiled/string-reverse.js                               2.55 KiB


A gentle reminder that, transpilation does produce Typescript declaration file, for use in Typescript projects.

Now that we have a transpiled module, we can run it from any JavaScript context that supports core WebAssembly (whether NodeJS or the browser).

For NodeJS, we can use code like the following:

// If this import listed below is missing, please run `npm run transpile`
import { reverse } from "./dist/transpiled/string-reverse.mjs";

const reversed = reverse.reverseString("!dlroW olleH");

console.log(`reverseString('!dlroW olleH') = ${reversed}`);


In the jco example project, you can run npm run transpiled-js to build the existing code.

Assuming you have the dist/transpiled folder populated (by running jco transpile in the previous step), you should see output like the following:

reverseString('!dlrow olleh') = hello world!

While it's somewhat redundant in this context, what we've done from NodeJS demonstrates the usefulness of WebAssembly and the jco toolchain. With the help of jco, we have:

  • Compiled JavaScript to a WebAssembly module (jco compile), adhering to an interface defined via WIT
  • Converted the compiled WebAssembly module (which could be from any language) to a module that can be used from any compliant JS runtime (jco transpile)
  • Run the transpiled WebAssembly component from a JavaScript native runtime (NodeJS)

Advanced: Importing and Reusing WIT Interfaces via Composition

Just as exporting functionality is core to building useful WebAssembly components, and similarly importing and reusing functionality is key to using the strengths of WebAssembly.

Restated, WIT and the Component Model enable WebAssembly to compose. This means we can build on top of functionality that already exists and export new functionality that depends on existing functionality.

Let's say in addition to the reversing the string (in the previous example) we want to build shared functionality that also upper cases the text it receives.

We can reuse the reversing functionality and export a new interface which enables us to reverse and upper-case.

Let's examine a jco example project called string-reverse-upper that exposes functionality for reversing and upper-casing a string.

Here's the WIT one might write to enable this functionality:

package example:string-reverse-upper@0.1.0;

@since(version = 0.1.0)
interface reversed-upper {
    reverse-and-uppercase: func(s: string) -> string;

world revup {
    // NOTE, the import below translates to:
    // <namespace>:<package>/<interface>@<package version>
    import example:string-reverse/reverse@0.1.0;

    export reversed-upper;

This time, the world named revup that we are building relies on the interface reverse in the package string-reverse from the namespace example.

We can make use of any WebAssembly component that matches that interface, as long as we compose their functionality with the component that implements the revup world.

The revup world imports (and makes use) of reverse in order to export (provide) the reversed-upper interface, which contains the reverse-and-uppercase function (in JS, reverseAndUppercase).


Functionality is imported from the interface, not the world. worlds can be included/used, but the syntax is slightly different for that.

The JavaScript to make this work (string-reverse-upper.mjs in jco/examples) looks like this:

 * This module is the JS implementation of the `revup` WIT world

 * The import here is *virtual*. It refers to the `import`ed `reverse` interface in component.wit.
 * These types *do not resolve* when the first `string-reverse-upper` component is built,
 * but the types are relevant for the resulting *composed* component.
import { reverseString } from 'example:string-reverse/reverse@0.1.0';

 * The JavaScript export below represents the export of the `reversed-upper` interface,
 * which which contains `revup` as it's primary exported function.
export const reversedUpper = {
   * Represents the implementation of the `reverse-and-uppercase` function in the `reversed-upper` interface
   * This function makes use of `reverse-string` which is *imported* from another WebAssembly binary.
  reverseAndUppercase() {
    return reverseString(s).toLocaleUpperCase();

We can build the component with jco componentize:

npx jco componentize \
    string-reverse-upper.mjs \
    --wit wit/ \
    --world-name revup \
    --out string-reverse-upper.incomplete.wasm \
    --disable all

While we've successfully built a WebAssembly component, unlike the other examples, ours is not yet complete.

We can see that if we print the WIT of the generated component by running jco wit:

npx jco wit string-reverse-upper.incomplete.wasm

You should see output like the following:

package root:component;

world root {
  import example:string-reverse/reverse@0.1.0;

  export example:string-reverse-upper/reversed-upper@0.1.0;

This tells us that the component still has unfulfilled imports -- we use the reverseString function that's in reverse as if it exists, but it's not yet a real part of the WebAssembly component (hence we've named it .incomplete.wasm.

To compose the two components (string-reverse-upper/string-reverse-upper.incomplete.wasm and string-reverse/string-reverse.wasm we built earlier), we'll need the WebAssembly Composition tool (wac). We can use wac plug:

wac plug \
    -o string-reverse-upper.wasm \
    --plug ../string-reverse/string-reverse.wasm \


You can also run this step with npm run compose.

A new component string-reverse-upper.wasm should now be present, which is a "complete" component -- we can check the output of jco wit to ensure that all the imports are satisfied:

package root:component;

world root {
  export example:string-reverse-upper/reversed-upper@0.1.0;

It's as-if we never imported any functionality at all -- the functionality present in string-reverse.wasm has been merged into string-reverse-upper.wasm, and it now simply exports the advanced functionality.

We can run this completed component with in any WebAssembly-capable native JavaScript environment by using a the transpiled result:

npx jco transpile string-reverse-upper.wasm -o dist/transpiled


In the example project, you can run npm run transpile instead, which will also change the extension on dist/transpiled/string-reverse-upper.js to .mjs

You should see output like the following:

  Transpiled JS Component Files:

 - dist/transpiled/interfaces/example-string-reverse-upper-reversed-upper.d.ts  0.12 KiB
 - dist/transpiled/string-reverse-upper.core.wasm                               10.1 MiB
 - dist/transpiled/string-reverse-upper.core2.wasm                              10.1 MiB
 - dist/transpiled/string-reverse-upper.d.ts                                    0.19 KiB
 - dist/transpiled/string-reverse-upper.js                                      6.13 KiB


Notice that there are two core WebAssembly files? That's because two core WebAssembly modules were involved in creating the ultimate functionality we needed.

To run the transpiled component, we can write code like the following:

 * If this import listed below is missing, please run
 * ```
 * npm run build && npm run compose && npm run transpile`
 * ```
import { reversedUpper } from "./dist/transpiled/string-reverse-upper.mjs";

const result = reversedUpper.reverseAndUppercase("!dlroW olleH");

console.log(`reverseAndUppercase('!dlroW olleH') = ${result}`);


In the jco example project, you can run npm run transpiled-js

You should see output like the following:

reverseAndUppercase('!dlroW olleH') = HELLO WORLD!