Components in Rust
Rust has first-class support for the component model via the cargo component
cargo component
is is a cargo
subcommand for creating WebAssembly components
using Rust as the component's implementation language.
1. Installing cargo component
To install cargo component
, run:
cargo install cargo-component
You can find more details about
cargo component
in its page.
2. Scaffold a Component with cargo component
Create a Rust library that implements the add
function in the adder
First scaffold a project:
$ cargo component new add --lib && cd add
Note that cargo component
generates the necessary bindings as a module called bindings
3. Add the WIT world the Component will implement
Next, update wit/world.wit
to match add.wit
package docs:adder@0.1.0;
interface add {
add: func(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32;
world adder {
export add;
The component
section of Cargo.toml
should look like the following:
package = "docs:adder"
4. Generate bindings for our component
After performing these changes, we can re-generate bindings with cargo component bindings
cargo component bindings
cargo component bindings
will generate bindings for the world specified in a package's Cargo.toml
. In particular,
cargo component
will create a Guest
trait that a component should implement.
5. Implement the generated Guest
Implement the Guest
trait in src/
, using the scaffolded code. Your code should look something like the following:
mod bindings;
use bindings::exports::docs::adder::add::Guest;
struct Component;
impl Guest for Component {
fn add(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
return x + y;
bindings::export!(Component with_types_in bindings);
6. Build the component
Now, use cargo component
to build the component, being sure to optimize with a release build.
cargo component build --release
You can use wasm-tools component wit
to output the WIT package of the component:
$ wasm-tools component wit target/wasm32-wasip1/release/add.wasm
package root:component;
world root {
export docs:adder/add@0.1.0;
package docs:adder@0.1.0 {
interface add {
add: func(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32;
Running a Component from Rust Applications
To verify that our component works, lets run it from a Rust application that knows how to run a
component targeting the adder
The application uses wasmtime
crates to generate
Rust bindings, bring in WASI worlds, and execute the component.
$ cd examples/example-host
$ cargo run --release -- 1 2 ../add/target/wasm32-wasip1/release/add.wasm
1 + 2 = 3
Exporting an interface with cargo component
The sample add.wit
file exports a function. However, you'll often prefer to export an interface, either to comply with an existing specification or to capture a set of functions and types that tend to go together. For example, to implement the following world:
package docs:adder@0.1.0;
interface add {
add: func(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32;
world adder {
export add;
you would write the following Rust code:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { mod bindings; // Separating out the interface puts it in a sub-module use bindings::exports::docs::adder::add::Guest; struct Component; impl Guest for Component { fn add(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 { a + b } } }
Importing an interface with cargo component
The world file (wit/world.wit
) generated for you by cargo component new --lib
doesn't specify any imports.
cargo component build
, by default, uses the Rustwasm32-wasi
target, and therefore automatically imports any required WASI interfaces - no action is needed from you to import these. This section is about importing custom WIT interfaces from library components.
If your component consumes other components, you can edit the world.wit
file to import their interfaces.
For example, suppose you have created and built an adder component as explained in the exporting an interface section and want to use that component in a calculator component. Here is a partial example world for a calculator that imports the add interface:
// in the 'calculator' project
// wit/world.wit
package docs:calculator;
interface calculate {
eval-expression: func(expr: string) -> u32;
world calculator {
export calculate;
import docs:adder/add@0.1.0;
Referencing the package to import
Because the docs:adder
package is in a different project, we must first tell cargo component
how to find it. To do this, add the following to the Cargo.toml
"docs:adder" = { path = "../adder/wit" } # directory containing the WIT package
Note that the path is to the adder project's WIT directory, not to the world.wit
file. A WIT package may be spread across multiple files in the same directory; cargo component
will look at all the files.
Calling the import from Rust
Now the declaration of add
in the adder's WIT file is visible to the calculator
project. To invoke the imported add
interface from the calculate
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // src/ mod bindings; use bindings::exports::docs::calculator::calculate::Guest; // Bring the imported add function into scope use bindings::docs::calculator::add::add; struct Component; impl Guest for Component { fn eval_expression(expr: String) -> u32 { // Cleverly parse `expr` into values and operations, and evaluate // them meticulously. add(123, 456) } } }
Fulfilling the import
When you build this using cargo component build
, the add
interface remains imported. The calculator has taken a dependency on the add
interface, but has not linked the adder
implementation of that interface - this is not like referencing the adder
crate. (Indeed, calculator
could import the add
interface even if there was no Rust project implementing the WIT file.) You can see this by running wasm-tools component wit
to view the calculator's world:
# Do a release build to prune unused imports (e.g. WASI)
$ cargo component build --release
$ wasm-tools component wit ./target/wasm32-wasip1/release/calculator.wasm
package root:component;
world root {
import docs:adder/add@0.1.0;
export docs:calculator/calculate@0.1.0;
As the import is unfulfilled, the calculator.wasm
component could not run by itself in its current form. To fulfill the add
import, so that only calculate
is exported, you would need to compose the calculator.wasm
with some exports-add.wasm
into a single, self-contained component.
Creating a command component with cargo component
A command is a component with a specific export that allows it to be executed directly by wasmtime
(or other wasi:cli
hosts). In Rust terms, it's the equivalent of an application (bin
) package with a main
function, instead of a library crate (lib
) package.
To create a command with cargo component, run:
cargo component new <name>
Unlike library components, this does not have the --lib
flag. You will see that the created project is different too:
- It doesn't contain a
file.cargo component build
will automatically export thewasi:cli/run
interface for Rustbin
packages, and hook it up tomain
. - Because there's no
doesn't contain
section. - The Rust file is called
, and contains amain
function instead of an interface implementation.
You can write Rust in this project, just as you normally would, including importing your own or third-party crates.
All the crates that make up your project are linked together at build time, and compiled to a single Wasm component. In this case, all the linking is happening at the Rust level: no WITs or component composition is involved. Only if you import Wasm interfaces do WIT and composition come into play.
To run your command component:
cargo component build
wasmtime run ./target/wasm32-wasip1/debug/<name>.wasm
WARNING: If your program prints to standard out or error, you may not see the printed output! Some versions of
have a bug where they don't flush output streams before exiting. To work around this, add astd::thread::sleep()
with a 10 millisecond delay before exitingmain
Importing an interface into a command component
As mentioned above, cargo component build
doesn't generate a WIT file for a command component. If you want to import a Wasm interface, though, you'll need to create a WIT file and a world, plus reference the packages containing your imports:
Add a
to your project, and write a WIT world that imports the interface(s) you want to use. For example:package docs:app; world app { import docs:calculator/calculate@0.1.0; }
cargo component
sometimes fails to find packages if versions are not set explicitly. For example, if the calculator WIT declarespackage docs:calculator
rather thandocs:calculator@0.1.0
, then you may get an error even thoughcargo component build
automatically versions the binary export. -
to tellcargo component
about the new WIT file:[] path = "wit"
(This entry is created automatically for library components but not for command components.)
to tellcargo component
where to find external package WITs:[] "docs:calculator" = { path = "../calculator/wit" } "docs:adder" = { path = "../adder/wit" }
If the external package refers to other packages, you need to provide the paths to them as well.
Use the imported interface in your Rust code:
use bindings::docs::calculator::calculate::eval_expression; fn main() { let result = eval_expression("1 + 1"); println!("1 + 1 = {result}"); }
Compose the command component with the
components that implement the imports. -
Run the composed component:
$ wasmtime run ./my-composed-command.wasm 1 + 1 = 579 # might need to go back and do some work on the calculator implementation
Using user-defined types
User-defined types map to Rust types as follows.
WIT type | Rust binding |
record | struct with public fields corresponding to the record fields |
variant | enum with cases corresponding to the variant cases |
enum | enum with cases corresponding to the enum cases, with no data attached |
resource | See below |
flags | Opaque type supporting bit flag operations, with constants for flag values |
For example, consider the following WIT:
interface types {
enum operation {
record expression {
left: u32,
operation: operation,
right: u32
eval: func(expr: expression) -> u32;
When exported from a component, this could be implemented as:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl Guest for Implementation { fn eval(expr: Expression) -> u32 { // Record fields become public fields on a struct let (l, r) = (expr.left, expr.right); match expr.operation { // Enum becomes an enum with only unit cases Operation::Add => l + r, Operation::Sub => l - r, Operation::Mul => l * r, Operation::Div => l / r, } } } }
Using resources
Resources are handles to entities that live outside the component, for example in a host, or in a different component.
In this section, our example resource will be a Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator. (Engineers of a certain vintage will remember this from handheld calculators of the 1970s.) A RPN calculator is a stateful entity: a consumer pushes operands and operations onto a stack maintained within the calculator, then evaluates the stack to produce a value. The resource in WIT looks like this:
package docs:rpn@0.1.0;
interface types {
enum operation {
resource engine {
push-operand: func(operand: u32);
push-operation: func(operation: operation);
execute: func() -> u32;
world calculator {
export types;
Implementing and exporting a resource in a component
To implement the calculator using cargo component
Create a library component as shown in previous sections, with the WIT given above.
Define a Rust
to represent the calculator state:#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use std::cell::RefCell; struct CalcEngine { stack: RefCell<Vec<u32>>, } }
Why is the stack wrapped in a
? As we will see, the generated Rust trait for the calculator engine has immutable references toself
. But our implementation of that trait will need to mutate the stack. So we need a type that allows for interior mutability, such asRefCell<T>
. -
The generated bindings (
) for an exported resource include a trait namedGuestX
, whereX
is the resource name. (You may need to runcargo component build
to regenerate the bindings after updating the WIT.) For the calculatorengine
resource, the trait isGuestEngine
. Implement this trait on thestruct
from step 2:#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use bindings::exports::docs::rpn::types::{GuestEngine, Operation}; impl GuestEngine for CalcEngine { fn new() -> Self { CalcEngine { stack: RefCell::new(vec![]) } } fn push_operand(&self, operand: u32) { self.stack.borrow_mut().push(operand); } fn push_operation(&self, operation: Operation) { let mut stack = self.stack.borrow_mut(); let right = stack.pop().unwrap(); // TODO: error handling! let left = stack.pop().unwrap(); let result = match operation { Operation::Add => left + right, Operation::Sub => left - right, Operation::Mul => left * right, Operation::Div => left / right, }; stack.push(result); } fn execute(&self) -> u32 { self.stack.borrow_mut().pop().unwrap() // TODO: error handling! } } }
We now have a working calculator type which implements the
contract, but we must still connect that type to theengine
resource type. This is done by implementing the generatedGuest
trait. For this WIT, theGuest
trait contains nothing except an associated type. You can use an emptystruct
to implement theGuest
trait on. Set the associated type for the resource - in our case,Engine
- to the type which implements the resource trait - in our case, theCalcEngine
which implementsGuestEngine
. Then use theexport!
macro to export the mapping:#![allow(unused)] fn main() { struct Implementation; impl Guest for Implementation { type Engine = CalcEngine; } bindings::export!(Implementation with_types_in bindings); }
This completes the implementation of the calculator engine
resource. Run cargo component build
to create a component .wasm
Importing and consuming a resource in a component
To use the calculator engine in another component, that component must import the resource.
Create a command component as shown in previous sections.
Add a
to your project, and write a WIT world that imports the RPN calculator types:package docs:rpn-cmd; world app { import docs:rpn/types@0.1.0; }
to tellcargo component
about the new WIT file and the external RPN package file:[package.metadata.component] package = "docs:rpn-cmd" [] path = "wit" [] "docs:rpn" = { path = "../wit" } # or wherever your resource WIT is
The resource now appears in the generated bindings as a
, with appropriate associated functions. Use these to construct a test app:#[allow(warnings)] mod bindings; use bindings::docs::rpn::types::{Engine, Operation}; fn main() { let calc = Engine::new(); calc.push_operand(1); calc.push_operand(2); calc.push_operation(Operation::Add); let sum = calc.execute(); println!("{sum}"); }
You can now build the command component and compose it with the .wasm
component that implements the resource.. You can then run the composed command with wasmtime run
Implementing and exporting a resource implementation in a host
If you are hosting a Wasm runtime, you can export a resource from your host for guests to consume. Hosting a runtime is outside the scope of this book, so we will give only a broad outline here. This is specific to the Wasmtime runtime; other runtimes may express things differently.
to specify the WIT you are a host for:#![allow(unused)] fn main() { wasmtime::component::bindgen!({ path: "../wit" }); }
how you will represent the resource in the host via thewith
field. This can be any Rust type. For example, the RPN engine could be represented by aCalcEngine
struct:#![allow(unused)] fn main() { wasmtime::component::bindgen!({ path: "../wit", with: { "docs:rpn/types/engine": CalcEngine, } }); }
If you don't specify the host representation for a resource, it defaults to an empty enum. This is rarely useful as resources are usually stateful.
If the representation type isn't a built-in type, define it:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { struct CalcEngine { /* ... */ } }
As a host, you will already be implementing a
trait. You will now need to implement aHostX
trait (whereX
is the resource name) on the same type as theHost
trait:#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl docs::rpn::types::HostEngine for MyHost { fn new(&mut self) -> wasmtime::component::Resource<docs::rpn::types::Engine> { /* ... */ } fn push_operand(&mut self, self_: wasmtime::component::Resource<docs::rpn::types::Engine>) { /* ... */ } // etc. } }
Important: You implement this on the 'overall' host type, not on the resource representation! Therefore, the
reference in these functions is to the 'overall' host type. For instance methods of the resource, the instance is identified by a second parameter (self_
), of typewasmtime::component::Resource
. -
Add a
to the host:#![allow(unused)] fn main() { struct MyHost { calcs: wasmtime::component::ResourceTable, } }
In your resource method implementations, use this table to store and access instances of the resource representation:
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl docs::rpn::types::HostEngine for MyHost { fn new(&mut self) -> wasmtime::component::Resource<docs::rpn::types::Engine> { self.calcs.push(CalcEngine::new()).unwrap() // TODO: error handling } fn push_operand(&mut self, self_: wasmtime::component::Resource<docs::rpn::types::Engine>) { let calc_engine = self.calcs.get(&self_).unwrap(); // calc_engine is a CalcEngine - call its functions } // etc. } }